Tuesday, February 15, 2011


To my excitement I was recently informed that the Norwegian language has been known to be the most difficult one to learn (thanks Roy, it's not your fault).  This lead me to 'go get um' by starting a beginner level Norwegian language class.

I haven't yet learned the alphabet or how to count, however I am expected to have full conversations with my teacher, Ulf, who speaks in almost only Norwegian.

There are some issues that I will overcome.

The alphabet has all the same letters as the English one but with 3 extra slapped on to the end and those three are no f-ing joke.   Æ Ø Å. Impossible for an American to pronounce but they kinda all sound like a version of O or A. 

I can't differentiate one word from another while listening to the spoken language. You can say a whole sentence and I will think it's all one word. Which isn't all that surprising as they have some crazypants long words:

- menneskerettighetsorganisasjon (human rights group)
- etterforskningen (investigation)
- stortingsvalg (parliament election)
- åpningsreplikken (opening line)

They roll their 'R's.
'I's are 'E's.
'W's and 'C's aren't ever used.
There are silent 'V's 'T's 'H's 'G's 'D's all over the place. 


'Kj' makes a 'shhh' sound.

This should be a walk in the park.


  1. Funny :D I wonder how Norwegian sounds for English speakers, and I wonder how hard it is to learn. I believe it's challenging

  2. it sound VERY challenging to me! But you can do it, Rachel.
