Friday, March 18, 2011

I Hate Tourisits

Let's see if we can make the following happen this weekend. 
(note: this post has nothing to do with Santa or Norway)

 Prepare for me to be the ultimate tourist while at this one.  I'm already embarrassing myself.

I've seen the tiny wanna be one in NYC a million times.  I'm now ready for the momma.

 It's pretty popular and the BF wants to see it.  That's all I know.

I mean come on, the mother f-ing Mona Lisa.  I hear she's not that great in person but you gotta give it a look see anyway 'while in the area'.

 Look, I been knowin about it, however Tom Hanks and that awful haircut in those terrible movies has made me love it.

 Awww, 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' how sweet.

 The "Paris River' as some like to call it.

 I had to throw in a trashy one; the most famous whore house.  Love the music from the movie so I hope that shit is piping throughout all of France.

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